1. Sign up and choose your date and time here 2. Arrive early and check-in with an employee 3. Pick your milkshake flavor and burger temps, pay $40 and sign waiver 4. We will prepare your meal and set the timer!
General Guidelines: -Challenger must consume two Burgerritos and one 24 oz milkshake (chocolate or vanilla) within 15 minutes -After consuming the challenge in its entirety, the challenger must also complete a 15 minute waiting period and hold the food down -Challenger wins if both of these tasks are completed, bringing the total challenge time to 30 minutes maximum -Special Prize for the challenger who is able to complete the entire challenges the fastest and set the record time Specific Rules: -No outside food or drinks for the entirety of the competition -The challenge is open to anyone who wishes to attempt -Milkshake must be consumed from the serving vessel -Challenger is able to stand up and walk around during the challenge -Challenger may NOT use the restroom, leave the building, or leave sight of the staff at any point during the challenge -Timer starts when the food/shake are touched OR 3 minutes after the food is set on the table -Timer stops when food/shake are SWALLOWED and the waiting period begins
Other Notes and FAQs: - you are welcome to drink any of our non-alcohol drinks, i.e. soda, tea, lemonade during the competition - you can bring your own non alcoholic beverage - you agree to the use of your name and image on social media, websites and for marketing - only one person can attempt the challenge - the cost is $40+ tax to try the challenge - we do provide a trash can should things not go your way. You may be photographed for the wall of shame. - yes you can walk in and do this without pre-registering, but we may not be able to get you set up immediately. Please know that busy meal times are more challenging for us to do this properly, i.e. lunch 11-1p and dinner 5:30-7:30p times.